This is a blog post written as a form of distraction from the gnawing realization that college is going to end real soon and I have yet to formulate any concrete plan as to what I'm going to do or where I'm going to place myself.
I think there's too much going on and I've been sitting too still. Not completely oblivious, but not entirely conscious either. The recurring thoughts in my mind always point back to the glaring question of whether or not to move out of Iloilo. There is convenience here, and if I try hard enough, there's going to be financial security too. But it gets tiring being in the same place. I think I need a bit of a new landscape, and I'm thinking Manila or Cebu but really, I just want to be able to get out of the house and get a place of my own. Nothing motivates me more than the prospect of living away from here. It's not entirely bad at home but I think I'd be tremendously happier if I'm somewhere else. Somewhere else is still undecided and I hope I'm one day closer to figuring it out.